Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sad feeling....

Why problem... always come not in a single way..... not just one come not just one problem... it like a storm... come with many problem together.. one by one.. deeper and deeper...

Life is what??? sometime. ... I really do not understand... what is the meaning of life?
It should be happy happy... go lucky? don't see the problem... then will not be a problem? or kept it under the carpet....  or bring it up and face it... will it help the situation ? or make the case more worse...

I really don't know what to do.. how to face it... Can i pretend there is no problem? Can u easy to change people perception on you? When u did good thing.. change to good behavior.. but in their mind... already set that u are a loser. ... whatever u did... all will go down to the drain... perhaps... just God knows what are u trying to do...but who will believe it? Even someone... who know u so well...more than decade.... also got such perception on u.... like never to overcome it?

Like people saying... there is no negative. If there is anger, there is pain. If there is pain there is the dark side.
and you dont want to end up in the dark life... no meaning...
perhaps need to learn from the mons... forget and forgive... do good thing...  everyday praying... reduce your karma... and bring up your soul... to have a better life in your next life...
So, do you care your next life... even your current life also not solve the problem....sad ending...

Die... or death ... will solve the problem? or it just carry the problem to the next life?
 no one know what will happened on the next life...

Human relationship is very complicated... as all from different culture.. different family background... different experience... a lot of difference ... so be together.. is a fate... so.. all must give and take....
if do wrong thing... will need to forgive and forget? then the relationship will be smooth on... and on...
if not... there is no more meaning to be together... right? moreover... the trust must be there...
if no trust... also no more meaning to be together also ... right?
why still keeping those old issue... old problem... old incident... deep inside the heart??? why???
really do not understand...

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