Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sad feeling....

Why problem... always come not in a single way..... not just one come not just one problem... it like a storm... come with many problem together.. one by one.. deeper and deeper...

Life is what??? sometime. ... I really do not understand... what is the meaning of life?
It should be happy happy... go lucky? don't see the problem... then will not be a problem? or kept it under the carpet....  or bring it up and face it... will it help the situation ? or make the case more worse...

I really don't know what to do.. how to face it... Can i pretend there is no problem? Can u easy to change people perception on you? When u did good thing.. change to good behavior.. but in their mind... already set that u are a loser. ... whatever u did... all will go down to the drain... perhaps... just God knows what are u trying to do...but who will believe it? Even someone... who know u so well...more than decade.... also got such perception on u.... like never to overcome it?

Like people saying... there is no negative. If there is anger, there is pain. If there is pain there is the dark side.
and you dont want to end up in the dark life... no meaning...
perhaps need to learn from the mons... forget and forgive... do good thing...  everyday praying... reduce your karma... and bring up your soul... to have a better life in your next life...
So, do you care your next life... even your current life also not solve the problem....sad ending...

Die... or death ... will solve the problem? or it just carry the problem to the next life?
 no one know what will happened on the next life...

Human relationship is very complicated... as all from different culture.. different family background... different experience... a lot of difference ... so be together.. is a fate... so.. all must give and take....
if do wrong thing... will need to forgive and forget? then the relationship will be smooth on... and on...
if not... there is no more meaning to be together... right? moreover... the trust must be there...
if no trust... also no more meaning to be together also ... right?
why still keeping those old issue... old problem... old incident... deep inside the heart??? why???
really do not understand...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


第一句 “人都是逼出來的”。每個人都是有潛能的,生於安樂,死於憂患,所以,當面對壓力的時候,不要焦燥,也許這只是生活對你的一點小考驗,相信自己,一切都能處理好,逼急了好漢可以上梁山,時世造英雄,窮者思變,人只有壓力才會有動力



第四句:“懷才就象懷孕,時間久了會讓人看出來”。人,切莫自以為是,地球離開 了誰都會轉,古往今來,恃才放肆的人都沒有好下場。所以,即便再能幹,也一定要保持謙虛謹慎,做好自己的事情,是金子總會發光。



第七句:“人生兩大悲劇:一是萬念俱灰,一是躊躇滿志”。現代的人好象特別脆弱,報紙上天天報導眾多名人得抑鬱症,這些人一定是從一個極端走向別一個極端。正因為 躊躇滿志,才堅信自已是完美的,是無所不能的,如果受到一點挫折,就會變得極度自卑,甚至失去繼續生活的勇氣。為自己找一個準確的定位,享受生活樂趣。




New Year feeling

Time is clicking and clicking every min, every hour... going to reach year end .. 2010
2011 is coming... near the corner..
What is in my mind now? What is my planning for year 2011? Any goal ?
How about the pass ? Any achievement so far? need to think think think....
If something hard to think... then it proof that one thing.,.. that type of achievement is not that great..
What need to be done to improve further? Is that goal or target you set is too high, unrealistic ?

Well , why everytime almost near the year end... need to think those thing? Is it a good attitude to life?
Like people saying.. whatever has gone.. no point look back.. should look forward.. make it better...
but still got people saying... look back.. what went wrong... learn the mistake .. and move forward..
or get the inspiration you need from postive attitude and move forward..

So many motivation theory in the world... all are teaching us be more positive.. take the challenge..
take the the end... you will achieve your goal..Is that so simple?
sometime.. we need to face different challenge... which beyond our control .. like take it or leave it..

So, what is my resolution of year 2011? Find a better job? What happened to the current job?
What can be done to improve the situation? All need to think and think ... and must with some action..
then the situation can point like "NATO" ...

What happened to me in the middle of the night.. still not sleeping... and typing all those feeling in the blog.,...
let who see? myself as a record.,. of miss feeling.. toward year 2011...

Hope like people say... not always is raining day.. it will be over soon... then there will be another good day tomorrow waiting for you to findout...

Below is some of nice and true philosphy of life ...















